Category: Entrepreneurship

Festivals: Relevant to entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship reflections from the UK. From early June through until late August the ECIC Academic Director for post graduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship programs, Allan O’Connor, will be on study leave. During his time away (mainly at the University of Edinburgh, UK), he will from time to time post observations, challenges, new insights and reflections encountered […]

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ECIC’s Innovation and Entrepreneurship Programs Join the Ranks of the World’s Leading Business Programs

The ECIC’s Master of Applied Innovation and Entrepreneurship and Bachelor of Innovation and Entrepreneurship have been awarded a five-year accreditation from the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) International, based in the United States.
Founded in 1916, AACSB is the global accrediting body for business schools that offer programs in business and accounting. AACSB […]

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Student Entrepreneurship: A key to revitalising manufacturing

During 2011, Prof Göran Roos, has been Adelaide’s Thinker in Residence turning his mind to the challenges in the manufacturing sector for South Australia. Professor Roos is a recognised world expert in innovation management and strategy and serves as Honorary Professor at Warwick Business School in the UK. He is founder of Intellectual Capital Services Ltd., […]

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Linking the threads

Entrepreneurship reflections from the UK. From early June through until late August the ECIC Academic Director for post graduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship programs, Allan O’Connor, will be on study leave. During his time away (mainly at the University of Edinburgh, UK), he will from time to time post observations, challenges, new insights and reflections encountered […]

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2011 Telstra Innovation Challenge

Telstra has launched the 2011 Telstra Innovation Challenge, and is seeking submissions from the innovation, research and development community. This is the 3rd year that Telstra have run the competition and the winners have ranged from one person start-ups to major organisations.
Please visit Telstra to find out how to enter.

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Congratulations LEAPIN!

eChallenge prize winners LEAPIN recently represented the University of Adelaide in the Licensing Executives Society (LES) Foundation Graduate Student Business Plan Competition in London, defeating an impressive field of universities, including Harvard, Yale and Stanford, just to qualify.
LEAPIN’s remote access control and security systems “enables hotel guests to leap past the check-in desk and go […]

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Ecosystem Responsibility and Roles

Entrepreneurship reflections from the UK. From early June through until late August the ECIC Academic Director for post graduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship programs, Allan O’Connor, will be on study leave. During his time away (mainly at the University of Edinburgh, UK), he will from time to time post observations, challenges, new insights and reflections encountered […]

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The Question of Ecosystems

Entrepreneurship reflections from the UK. From early June through until late August the ECIC Academic Director for post graduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship programs, Allan O’Connor, will be on study leave. During his time away (mainly at the University of Edinburgh, UK), he will from time to time post observations, challenges, new insights and reflections encountered […]

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Is entrepreneurship a business discipline?

Entrepreneurship reflections from the UK. From early June through until late August the ECIC Academic Director for post graduate Innovation and Entrepreneurship programs, Allan O’Connor, will be on study leave. During his time away (mainly at the University of Edinburgh, UK), he will from time to time post observations, challenges, new insights and reflections encountered […]

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How Does Culture Affect Investor Behaviour?

ECIC Director Professor Noel Lindsay, Undergraduate Entrepreneurship and Innovation Program Director Gary Hancock and ECIC Adjunct Professor Fredric Kropp, explore this question in a chapter of the recently published Handbook Of Research On New Venture Creation. The chapter examines the cultural context of new venture creation in relation to private entrepreneurship investment behaviour, it concludes:
Although […]

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