New Paper: Exogenous and endogenous determinants of spatial aggregation patterns in Tibetan Plateau meadow vegetation

A new paper involving Environment Institute member Corey Bradshaw (also SARDI) as well as Jiajia Liu (Fudan University). Deyan Wu (Lanzhou University), Xiaoyu Peng (Lanzhou University) and Shurong Zhou (Fudan University) was recently published in the Journal of Plant Ecology.

The paper titled ‘Exogenous and endogenous determinants of spatial aggregation patterns in Tibetan Plateau meadow vegetation’ aimed to measure the relative importance of various endogenous and exogenous processes influencing the spatial distribution of the individuals of plant species at different temporal and spatial scales in a species-rich and high-cover meadow in the eastern Tibetan Plateau.The results indicate that self-thinning and habitat heterogeneity all contribute to determine the spatial aggregation patterns of plant individuals in the area.

Download the paper to find out more.

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