Lian Pin Koh joins council for sustainable palm oil

lian pin kohIndonesia is at the centre of the palm oil industry. As the demand for palm oil increases around the world, concerns about the environmental impacts – including large-scale deforestation, loss of species’ habitat and forest fires – intensify. In response to this, a new initiative has been established to aid farmers in the sustainable production of palm oil.

The Small Holders Advancing with Innovation and Technology (SAWIT) Council is a new partnership between businesses, independent farmers, government and NGOs. Based in Indonesia, SAWIT aims to identify, support and adopt innovations to produce palm oil sustainably. SAWIT is supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Associate Professor Lian Kin Poh has been invited to the SAWIT Council to aid in their mission. He has been recognised as a global leader in ecology. Assoc. Prof Koh will help shape the innovations selected by SAWIT to transform the palm oil industry into a sustainable one.






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