TAG: Maths Day

A Day of Maths 7: Thanks for coming

And there you have it. All my thoughts about the Day of Maths I had in a Year 7 classroom.

The Best! Day! Ever!
Quarter the Cross
The Zero Zeros
Spotless Dice
Mathematical Art Appreciation
Hotel Infinity

Thank you to everyone who has followed my journey all the way here. One thing I find about teaching is that it often leaves me […]

Posted in Being a good teacher, Thoughts about maths thinking | Tagged |


A Day of Maths 6: Hotel Infinity

This post is the sixth in a series about a Maths Day I did in a Year 7 class last week. I’ve talked about my feelings about the day overall, and  all but one of the activities we did: Quarter the Cross, the Zero Zeros, Spotless Dice, and looking at my maths art. In the […]

Posted in Being a good teacher, Isn't maths cool?, Thoughts about maths thinking | Tagged , , |


A Day of Maths 5: Looking at Maths Art

This is the fifth in a series of posts coming from my Maths Day in a Year 7 classroom. So far I’ve talked about the following:

how awesome the day was
how I implemented Quarter the Cross
the unexpected things that happened with Zero Zeros
how I implemented Spotless Dice

You may be thinking by this stage, “David, how much […]

Posted in Isn't maths cool?, Other MLC stuff, Thoughts about maths thinking | Tagged , |

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A Day of Maths 4: Spotless Dice

This is the fourth in a series of blog posts about a Maths Day I did in a Year 7 classroom. So far I’ve discussed

how awesome the day was
how I implemented Quarter the Cross
the unexpected things that happened with Zero Zeros.

In this post, I’ll be talking about the activity we did in the recess-to-lunch period. […]

Posted in Being a good teacher, Thoughts about maths thinking | Tagged |


A Day of Maths 3: Zero Zeros

This is the third in a series about a Day of Maths I did in my daughter’s Year 7 classroom. I started back with The Best! Day! Ever! and then talked about Quarter the Cross. This post is about a puzzle I gave to students to fill in some time while their classmates finished off […]

Posted in How people learn (or don't), Thoughts about maths thinking | Tagged |


A Day of Maths 2: Quarter the Cross

This is the second in a series of posts about the Maths Day I did in my daughter’s Year 7 classroom. Last time, I talked about the awesomeness of the day as a whole. For the next few posts, I’ll talk about the actual activities we did.
After the general intro into me and what I […]

Posted in Being a good teacher, How people learn (or don't) | Tagged , |


A Day of Maths 1: Best! Day! Ever!

Last Monday, I was invited into my daughter’s Year 7 classroom to do a full day of maths with the students. It was the Best Day Ever.  I had so much fun giving the students things to think about, and watching and helping the students think and talk about them.
The teacher, Anne, was an absolute […]

Posted in Being a good teacher, How people learn (or don't) | Tagged |