The evolution of sponsorship in recent times has been remarkable. From a peripheral and relatively small scale marketing communication technique, it has grown into a major marketing strategic tool, particularly for global brands. More often than not, however, its use remains haphazard and its evaluation sketchy. To date, academic research in this area continues to uncover as many questions as it provides answers.
So what is sponsorship and what can it do? Research shows that its value is in creating meanings for consumers and in enabling value-laden relationships to develop between organisations. Examples from the sports and cultural sectors will demonstrate both the power and limitations of sponsorship. Suggestions about how industry and the higher education sector could use sponsorship in a mutually beneficial manner will be provided in conclusion.
About the Speaker
Professor Pascale Quester is currently the Executive Dean of the Faculty of the Professions. She is also the Inaugural Professor of Marketing at the University of Adelaide. She has pioneered research in sponsorship effectiveness and is widely published on a variety of consumer behaviour topics.