The grim spectres of drug and gambling addiction have loomed over Australian society for decades. But although each continues to destroy thousands of lives, progress is being made.
In this special Research Tuesdays Forum, three leading researchers in the field will discuss the latest findings, including:
• Why the physiological mechanisms of drug addiction are no longer seen purely as a matter of the brain’s “wiring”, but also its immune system;
• Why many underutilised medications hold greater promise for treating substance abuse than attempts to strengthen addicts’ will; and
• Why pathological gambling should be viewed as a “behavioural addiction”, and how it relates to increasingly common problems like excessive gaming and internet use.
If you or anyone close to you has been affected by addiction, or you work with those who are, it’s an event not to be missed.
The panellists
Dr Mark Hutchinson heads the Neuroimmunopharmacology Lab in the University of Adelaide’s School of Medical Sciences, Discipline of Physiology. He was the recipient of the Psychoneuroimmunology Research Society’s Robert Ader New Investigator Award for 2013.
Dr Robert Ali is an Associate Professor in the University of Adelaide’s School of Medical Sciences, where he directs the DASSA WHO Collaborating Centre for the Treatment of Drug and Alcohol Problems. Dr Ali is a former Chair of the Australian National Expert Advisory Committee on Illicit Drugs.
Associate Professor Paul Delfabbro is an Associate Professor in the University of Adelaide’s School of Psychology. Principally interested in the prevalence and social impacts of gambling and the factors that maintain gambling behaviour, his research in the area is widely published.
Professor Justin Beilby will be facilitating. Professor Beilby is Executive Dean of the University of Adelaide’s Faculty of Health Sciences. He has been the is member of the Medical Services Advisory Committee’s Economic Sub-Committee, a former Commissioner in the National Hospital and Health Reform Commission and current Director on the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute.
When: Tuesday 8 October, 5:30 – 7:30pm
Where: The Braggs Lecture Theatre, North Terrace Campus