Category: Security

Virtualisation is a key potential approach to alleviating performance issues within constrained environments. However, within defence environments, security is a constant concern, and virtualised environments must be assessed to ensure that they do not introduce additional security risks with their introduction.

In this research, we explore security issues within defence and constrained environments, including analysis of existing virtualisation environments for security concerns, identification and mitigation against security attacks, and the design and development of virtualised environments that are more resilient against security attacks.

Project Leaders: Yuval Yarom and A/Prof Katrina Falkner

Research Contract: Review of Model Driven Software Engineering Practice: System Virtualisation. K. Falkner. DSTO Research Contract ($130,000) (2012-2013)

Review of Model Driven Software Engineering Practice: System Virtualisation. K. Falkner. DSTO Research Contract ($130,000) (2012-2013) The main focus of this research is the application of the system virtualisation paradigm within the combat system domain. The research will undertake investigation and experimentation into security within Virtualised systems with the specific thrust being to provide advice […]

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ASWEC 2013: Decomposing Distributed Software Architectures for the Determination and Incorporation of Security and Other Non-Functional Requirements

Anton’s thesis work on secure software architecture has been accepted for publication at ASWEC: A. Uzunov, K. Falkner and E. Fernandez, Decomposing Distributed Software Architectures for the Determination and Incorporation of Security and Other Non-Functional Requirements. In Proceedings of the 22nd Australasian Software Engineering Conference (ASWEC 2013), June 2013.

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New Project: Investigation into Virtualisation Security

CDIT has commenced a new collaborative project with DSTO investigating security and isolation within virtualised environments. We will be investigating security domain classification and isolation concerns, exploring the security implications of using virtualised environments within secure real-time systems. Research Contracts Review of Model Driven Software Engineering Practice: System Virtualisation. K. Falkner. DSTO Research Contract ($130,000) (2012-2013)

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JUCS: Engineering Security into Distributed Systems: A Survey of Methodologies

Anton Uzunov has completed two significant surveys within his PhD studies related to secure software architectures. This second piece of work reviews methodologies for engineering security, and has been accepted for publication in JUCS. A. Uzunov, E. Fernandez, K. Falkner, Engineering Security into Distributed Systems: A Survey of Methodologies. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 18(20):2920-3006, […]

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