City of Entrepreneurs: Case Study Launch

Case Studies CoverHow does South Australia and Adelaide, as a City of Entrepreneurs, function as an entrepreneurial ecosystem?

This is the research question that prompted the South Australian Department of State Development to sponsor research (with our thanks) to better understand the entrepreneur’s role and contribution towards economic development. In conjunction with a comprehensive report detailing the voice of the entrepreneurial ecosystem customer (see the report available here), a set of case studies have also been assembled to illustrate how various entrepreneurs have interacted with the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The formal release of the set of the case studies took place at the University of Adelaide on Thursday, 23 November, 2017. Find the cases for South Australia and Adelaide’s Entrepreneurial Ecosystem (AEE) here: SA-Adelaide – Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Case Studies.

Find the Case Study Launch Presentation with links to information on South Australia’s Entrepreneurial Ecosystem here: Case Study Launch_v2

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