Category: Project Management

edX marks the spot

The ECIC’s Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) Introduction to Project Management has made it to the finalist round in the 2017 edX Prize for Exceptional Contributions in Online Teaching and Learning!
All submissions were reviewed by an evaluation committee made up of faculty, instructional designers, college deans, and online learning directors from edX partner institutions. Next, […]

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Listen to Dr Fiona Kerr on Ockham’s Razor!

Over the weekend ECIC academic Dr Fiona Kerr appeared on Radio National’s science program Ockhams’ Razor.

The program allows experts to talk uninterrupted for one hour about their topic, which allows for more in-depth coverage of more complex issues.
Fiona’s segment is titled Neurogenesis: a Force for Creativity? and she speaks about neurogenesis being a continual process […]

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ThIncTrain 2015, Applications Are Now Open!

Applications are now open for the 2015 ThIncTrain program!
This program assists innovative and entrepreneurial University of Adelaide postgraduate and PhD students to unlock and accelerate the commercial potential of their research, business concepts or services through structured workshop and online training modules.
If you are a postgraduate or PhD student with a proven business idea and […]

Posted in Alumni, Commercialisation, Connect, eChallenge, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneurship, Events, Innovation, Innovation, Misc, News, Project Management, Research, Study, ThIncLab, ThIncLab Commercialisation Accelerator | Tagged , , , , |

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Study Tours in 2015

Following on from the successful South Africa Study Tour in 2015, ECIC plan to expand the Study Tour offerings to include Japan and Europe in 2015. Students will visit the University of Hiroshima on the Japan Study Tour, which will have a focus on Entrepreneurship. Students heading to Europe will go to France (Paris and […]

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ThIncLab Commercialisation Accelerator

The University of Adelaide students will now have access to high level mentoring and support to commercialise their big idea with the newly launched ThIncLab Commercialisation Accelerator.
The ThIncLab Commercialisation Accelerator assists innovative and entrepreneurial postgraduate students to unlock the commercial potential of research, business concepts or services. This involves online training, workshops and access to […]

Posted in Commercialisation, Entrepreneurship, Events, Innovation, Misc, News, Project Management, Study, ThIncLab, ThIncLab Commercialisation Accelerator | Tagged , |

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Launch of TAFE SA Program to Attract Future Food and Wine Entrepreneurs

TAFE SA has launched two new courses targeting future food and wine entrepreneurs. The Graduate Certificate and Diploma in Entrepreneurship for Food and Wine combine artisan food, beer and wine specialisations with practical business subjects. This combined approach aims to deliver a unique program that is directly relevant to the State Government’s economic priorities.
As outlined […]

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Video – Experts in Complex Project Management

Public Lecture: Getting Ready for the Unexpected
Over 130 people from industry, government and the community gathered for a public lecture on disaster preparedness and uncertainty management at the University of Adelaide on Wednesday 20 Feb. The lecture was organised by ECIC PhD candidate, Ms Antonella Cavallo, who is a recipient of a Natural Disaster Resilience Grant […]

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We Are Moving to the Faculty of the Professions

The ECIC is pleased to formally announce that we are joining the Faculty of the Professions.
While we are sad to be leaving the Faculty of Engineering, Computer and Mathematical Sciences, as we have enjoyed tremendous support over the years, the shift to the Faculty of the Professions provides us with new and exciting opportunities.
From Monday 25th February 2013, […]

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ECIC O’Week Activities

Orientation Week is Monday 25 February – Friday 1 March 2013. This year the ECIC is running an undergraduate and postgraduate information session. Come along and meet the Program Director and find out everything you need to know about starting your studies. After the info session you are invited to attend an ECIC welcome brunch.
There […]

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Public Lecture – Experts in Complex Project Management

Getting Ready for the Unexpected – Disaster preparedness, trust and community resilience

This public lecture is an opportunity to learn more about disaster preparedness and uncertainty management.Disasters are complex events characterised by a high degree of uncertainty, which cannot be fully grasped until after the disaster. What can we do to manage what we don’t know?An expert […]

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