TAG: music

Digital Footprints

Media prides itself on its reputation for researchexcellence and innovation. There’s ample opportunity to improve writing, participate te
radio production and work alongside the media industry. Equally important is gaining a solid grounding in the fundamentals of theories, techniques and legal practices.
Learn how to leave your mark in new and dynamically changing communication fields and become part of a network of independent
thinkers and creators.

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Tune in to a Degree in Music

Oh, for the passion and talent to embrace music and when you can’t imagine doing anything other than pursuing lifelong musical opportunities that are diverse, enriching and highly rewarding. Find out how access to acclaimed and accomplished artists and participating in a committed community who share your passion, be it in jazz, classical, sound engineering, music technology, composing or singing, will ensure you’re savvy and sought after to triumph in whatever your chosen career – or symphony – will be. Play on!

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Blow your Own Trumpet

Oh, for the passion and talent to embrace music when you can’t imagine doing anything other than pursuing lifelong musical opportunities that are diverse, enriching and highly rewarding. Find out how access to acclaimed and accomplished artists and participating in a committed community who share your passion, be it in jazz, classical, sound engineering, music technology, composing or singing, will ensure you’re savvy and sought after to triumph in whatever your chosen career – or symphony – will be.

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