Congratulations to the Prizewinners of 2015

Family and friends of the prize winners recently attended the School of Economics Prize Award Ceremony held to celebrate their achievements. Our special guest for this year’s Prize Award Ceremony was Professor Richard Blandy who spoke at the ceremony. Dick Blandy is a past Honours graduate of the School and spoke very fondly of his time here. One of the prizes he was very pleased to award was the John Lorenzo Young Prize to Yadhulla Haidairi. Dick won this prize in 1961 which was 55 years ago!

In his remarks Dick said that he was asked the question, all those years ago: ‘Why do economics?’. When he did it, nobody knew why you would, except that someone said it led to “prospects” and was a “good thing to do”. For him it turned out that economics was a good thing to do, with very broad job options at the end, with global work opportunities across all sectors of the economy. He could work anywhere, do anything, and was flexible.

He has had a very long and interesting career which started as a tutor here at the school for £20 per week. He went on to work at the International Labour Office in Geneva, did a PhD at Columbia University in New York, was Professor of Economics and Director of the National Institute of Labour Studies at Flinders University, Professor of Economics and Director of the Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research at Melbourne University, headed the South Australian Development Council for Premier Dean Brown, ran his own company for 18 years, and also wrote for many newspapers and magazines – he currently writes for the local online newspaper InDaily.

In his closing remarks Dick said “My message to you all is this. Try to make an adventure of your lives, try things out and keep trying, whatever the world chucks at you. You are, or are going to be, wonderfully prepared for your careers as a result of having gone to the University of Adelaide, School of Economics. I congratulate you and your families on your achievements. Well done.”

Our students had the opportunity to mingle with staff, prize donors and guests after the ceremony while enjoying the School’s hospitality. Good luck to you all from the staff here at the School and we look forward to following your path in the future!

prof Paul Kerin Yahdullah Haidari and Prof Richard Blandy

From left to right: Prof Paul Kerin -Head of School, Professor Richard Blandy – Guest Presenter, Yahdullah Haidari – Prize winner

2016 Prize Ceremony School of Economics

From left to right: Wally Williams – Commercial Travellers Assoc., Suzanna Paul – Commercial Travellers Assoc., Keith Gustavsson – Commercial Travellers Assoc., Anh Nguyen – Prize winner, Paul Kerin – Head of School, Tim Jordan -Commercial Travellers Assoc.


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