Category: Research

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The 2011 Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia – Keynote Speech

Prof van den Hengel has been invited to give a keynote speech at this year’s Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM) to be held from 20th – 22nd Dec 2011 in Sydney. Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM) is a major annual international conference organized as a forum for the dissemination of state-of-the-art technological advances and research results in the fields of […]

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ACVT hosts model-fitting seminars, Monday 12th December 2011

On Monday 12th December, the ACVT welcomes two visitors: Professor Kenichi Kanatani, Professor of Computer Science at Okayama University, Japan, and Dr Andrew Comport, “Chargé de Recherches” (Tenure Researcher) with the Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in France. Along with Professor Wojciech Chojnacki, Senior Research Fellow in the School of Computer Science at The University […]

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The Australian Summit on 3D Multimedia – Invited Presentation

Prof van den Hengel has been invited to attend the Australian Summit on 3D Multimedia, held in Wollongong in December 2011. This two-day event includes invited presentations by international and Australian experts from both academic research institutions and the industry. The Summit is the premier forum presenting the leading edge advances in 3D multimedia acquisition, analysis, […]

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Compressive Sensing Based Probabilistic Graphical Models (DE120101161)

Dr Qinfeng Shi of the ACVT has been awarded a 3 year ARC DECRA Grant valued at $375,000. Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs) use graphs to represent the interactions between random variables and provide a formalism by which to represent complex probabilistic relationships. Despite the success of PGMs in many fields, the learning on real industrial […]

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ARC Success! Congratulations to Prof Anton van den Hengel and Dr Anthony Dick

Congratulations to Anton and Anthony who have secured $330,000 of Discovery Project funding in the 2012 ARC round! TITLE: Learning to see in 3D PROJECT SUMMARY: The project aims to endow machine vision with an ability we, as humans, use almost constantly: to judge 3D properties from a 2D image. This extremely useful ability will be applied […]

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2011 Pearcey SA Entrepreneur Award – Runner Up

Congratulations to Dr Henry Detmold who was Runner Up in the 2011 Pearcey SA Entrepreneur Award! The Entrepreneur Award is a State award, rolling up into the Benson National ICT Entrepreneur of the Year Award, and is aimed at encouraging and rewarding fresh and innovative talent in the ICT and Digital Media professions Henry was awarded a special […]

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DECRA Success! Congratulations to Dr Javen Shi

Well done to Javen who has been awarded $375,00o of DECRA funding through the ARC in the 2012 round!! Only 277 proposals were awarded from over 2,100 applications. This is a fabulous result for Javen, congratulations! Title: Compressive sensing based probabilistic graphical models (PGM) Project Summary: The aim of the project is to develop fast, large scale […]

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Improving yield through image-based structural analysis of cereals (LP110200971)

ACVT has been awarded a 3 year ARC Linkage Grant valued at $475,000. Bayer CropScience is the industry partner on the grant. The CIs are Prof. Anton van den Hengel and Prof. Mark Tester of the Plant Accelerator based at the University of Adelaide’s Waite Campus. Meeting the food requirements of a growing world population […]

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Another patent granted

Congratulations to Dr Gustavo Carneiro on the awarding of his latest US patent. The patent covers: A method for detecting fetal anatomic features in ultrasound images includes providing an ultrasound image of a fetus, specifying an anatomic feature to be detected in a region S determined by parameter vector .theta., providing a sequence of probabilistic boosting […]

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Content Based Image Retrieval

The World Wide Web is a visual place, full of images and video. As of September 2010, Flickr hosts over 5 billion photos, while over 2 billion videos are watched every day on Youtube. This is a vast store of information, but how can we find what we want? Currently, images are almost always identified […]

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