Category: Uncategorized

UPCOMING EVENT: Local Government Elections

Anna Olijnyk and Judith Bannister, committee members of the Australian Institute of Administrative Law (SA Chapter), invite you to attend the following event: Local Government Elections To vote, or not to vote? Have we got the franchise right? Where: Pilgrim Uniting Church, Pilgrim Hall, 12 Flinders Street, Adelaide When: Wednesday, 20 May 2015, 1.00 pm […]

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Government inquiry takes aim at green charities that ‘get political’

In an article published on The Conversation, Dr Peter Burdon examines the Federal Government inquiry into tax-deductibility status of environmental groups. Click here to read Peter’s article.

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Public Law in the Classroom Teaching Workshop

On Thursday 12 February 2015, the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law, UNSW and the Public Law and Policy Research Unit, University of Adelaide, hosted the ‘Public Law in the Classroom’ workshop. This was the first in what will become an annual event on public law teaching research and practice. Seventy-five public law teachers […]

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It’s not Fair!’: The Duty of Fairness and the Corporate Regulator

In the current edition of the Sydney Law Review, Dr Suzanne Le Mire examines the duty of fairness imposed on the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC). The following is an abstract of the article: The duty of fairness imposed on the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) was scrutinised in the decisions of the […]

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Are the days of fighting over the Murray finished?

Speaking on radio this week in the lead up to National Water Week (19-25 October 2014), Dr Adam Webster considered whether the days of fighting over the waters of the River Murray are over. For a copy of the University of Adelaide media release click here.

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Public Law in the Classroom Workshop

This workshop for Australian tertiary teachers of public law will be co-hosted in Sydney by the Gilbert + Tobin Centre of Public Law, UNSW and Public Law and Policy Research Unit, University of Adelaide. The first in an annual series of events on public law teaching research and practice, the workshop will feature an excellent […]

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UPCOMING EVENT: The expansion of secrecy in civil proceedings: Reviewing the UK experience

The Public Law and Policy Research Unit invites you to attend the following event: The expansion of secrecy in civil proceedings: Reviewing the UK experience With the enactment of the Justice and Security Act 2013, the law in the United Kingdom now provides for closed material procedures and special advocates to be used in the […]

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Williams v Commonwealth (No 2): A discussion of the implications for federal spending and legislative power

Last week the Public Law and Policy Research Unit met to discuss the High Court’s decision in Williams v Commonwealth (No 2). PLPRU members Dr Gabrielle Appleby and Anna Olijnyk led a discussion of the different aspects of the decision, considering its consequences for federal spending and the breadth of the Commowealth Parliament’s corporations and […]

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Compulsory voting: lessons for the United Kingdom

Last week, the University of Adelaide’s Public Law and Policy Research Unit and the Indo-Pacific Governance Research Centre were very pleased to host Professor Sarah Birch from the University of Glasgow. Professor Birch is a leading international scholar in electoral integrity, and the author of Full Participation: A Comparative Study of Compulsory Voting (2009). Professor […]

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Public Law and Policy Research Unit scholars make submission to the SA Legislative Review Committee

The South Australian Legislative Review Committee is conducting an inquiry into the Criminal Law Consolidation (Provocation) Amendment Bill 2013 introduced by Greens MLC, Tammy Franks. The Bill seeks to amend the Criminal Law Consolidation Act 1935 (SA) so that the partial defence to provocation cannot be used to reduce a charge of murder to manslaughter […]

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