In an article published in The Advertiser, Kellie Toole explains why the ‘gay panic’ defence of provocation should be abolished. Click here to read Kellie’s article.

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In an article published on The Conversation today, Dr Adam Webster, explains the proposed changes to the Marriage Act 1961 (Cth) to provide marriage equality in Australia and the differences between the three bills before the Commonwealth Parliament. Click here to read Adam’s article.

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In an article published in The Australian today, Dr Joanna Howe explains that while the government is to be commended for its establishment of a special taskforce to address fraud in the working holiday visa program, its target should be labour hire contractors, not working holiday-makers. Click here to read Joanna’s article.

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In a post on the Power to Persuade blog, Dr Anna Olijnyk and Associate Professor Gabrielle Appleby (UNSW) explain their research project on the effect of uncertain constitutional principle on State law and order policy. Click here to read Anna’s post.

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Anna Olijnyk and Judith Bannister, committee members of the Australian Institute of Administrative Law (SA Chapter), invite you to attend the following event: Local Government Elections To vote, or not to vote? Have we got the franchise right? Where: Pilgrim Uniting Church, Pilgrim Hall, 12 Flinders Street, Adelaide When: Wednesday, 20 May 2015, 1.00 pm […]

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In an article published on The Conversation today, Kellie Toole examines the law of provocation in Queensland and the proposal to abolish what is sometimes referred to as the ‘gay panic defence’. Click here to read Kellie’s article.

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The Public Law and Policy Research Unit and the Adelaide Law School present a public lecture by Paul Brand (All Souls College, Oxford) marking the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta. When: Thursday 7 May 2015, 5.30pm – 7pm Where: Conference Room, Level 7, Ingkarni Wardli building, The University of Adelaide RSVP: By Friday 1 May 2015 via […]

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In an article published on The Conversation, Dr Peter Burdon examines the Federal Government inquiry into tax-deductibility status of environmental groups. Click here to read Peter’s article.

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The South Australian Chapter of the Australian Association of Constitutional Law, in conjunction with the University of Adelaide’s Public Law and Policy Research Unit, are pleased to invite you to: The High Court of Australia and the First World War The First World War was a defining moment in the history of Australia and also […]

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Research by Adelaide Law School’s Dr Joanna Howe has recommended that the Federal Parliament reject legislation reforming Australia’s workers’ compensation system, warning that the current bill fails the public interest test and risks adversely impacting on workers, small and medium sized businesses, and taxpayers. The McKell Institute report, “Unsafe and Unfair: A Critique of the […]

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