Goodbye to Eden

We live in, and rely on, a green world. It was the appearance of plants that first made our planet suitable for human evolution, and their continuing adaptations to our changing climate will be pivotal to humanity’s prospects in years to come.

Researchers at the University of Adelaide have been investigating the biological history and dynamics of this crucial relationship, and in this comprehensive presentation the whole fascinating story will be told.

Professor Robert Hill will trace the evolutionary path of the first unicellular life forms over four billion years ago to multicellular marine plants capable of photosynthesis, to the first land plants, animal life, flowers and humans.

click to play video

He will explain how each has impacted our atmosphere and climate, how modern vegetation types formed, and the possible effects on it – and, in turn, us – of accelerated global warming.

The presenter

Professor Robert Hill is Executive Dean of the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Adelaide and acting Director of the University’s Environment Institute. He is also Head of Science at the South Australian Museum and a former winner of the Clarke and Burbidge Medals for his research into the impact of long-term climate change on Australian vegetation.

When: Tuesday 14 May 2013, 5:30pm – 6:30pm
Where: Horace Lamb, North Terrace Campus

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