
Widgets, gadgets and other health technologies

Using evidence, priorities and values to guide choices.

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The ‘Commercialization of Intimacy’

Are Women still left holding the Baby?

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The Constitution and the Murray-Darling Rivers

Send in the Litigators?. Can the Commonwealth wrest control of the ‘waters of the rivers’ of the Murray and Darling from the Basin States?

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Some ideas about the next generation of image manipulation tools

The massive uptake of digital cameras and advances in the science of image analysis are delivering new tools for digital content creation into the hands of the average user. This development is fueled by the growth of image and video content on the internet and the ability of the technology to process very large volumes of image-based information. The tools range from intelligent image and video editing programs to modelling packages for 3D virtual environments such as Google Earth, Grand Theft Auto, and Second Life. Digital content creation technologies are becoming more powerful and more accessible than ever.

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Sponsorship: creating meanings and delivering value

The evolution of sponsorship in recent times has been remarkable.

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Some pathways toward a more sustainable energy future

There is growing consensus of the need to reduce our carbon dioxide emissions, both in South Australia and the rest of the world. However there are many perspectives as to which technology options to pursue toward this goal, given our present heavy reliance on fossil fuels and substantial investment in capital intensive plant to utilise them.

The talk will assess some of the challenges and opportunities emerging to this end, both locally and internationally, as we seek to manage the transition to a more sustainable future.

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