
21st Century: Present and Future Challenges

The beginning of the 21st century presents the interwoven challenges of climate change, rapid population growth and increasing freshwater, food and energy pressures. These challenges will be discussed as will the manner in which humanity has sought to meet them so far and is likely to do so in the future. The interconnection between climate change and energy use is producing innovative alternative energy ideas which are rapidly gaining ground. This promises to impinge favourably on freshwater and food supply and to ameliorate climate change. There is reason to be cautiously optimistic.

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Urban reform through the ages

Since ancient times, cities have been variously perceived, everything from vibrant marketplaces to protective sanctuaries.

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Using ancient DNA to study climate change, mass extinctions, and human evolution

Ancient DNA provides a unique means to watch evolution occurring in real time.  By tracking genetic changes in ancient populations we can examine the effects of major climatic changes on animal and plant populations from around the world through the last 100,000 years, as well as human impacts and other evolutionary phenomena such as volcanic […]

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Obesity, Physical, Psychological and Sexual well-being: Implications for Ageing Men

Compared with women, Australian men have higher rates of physical and psychological disease and death, and are also less likely to adopt a healthier lifestyle

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Sea-level rise, coastal impacts and management implications

People around the world are coming to grips with the potential impacts of climate change.What does climate change mean for our coastlines?

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Looking after your brain – new approaches to an age-old problem.

How the brain works remains one of the great unknowns of modern medicine. This is even more of an issue when it comes to how the brain attempts to survive and recover from acute (stroke and trauma) and chronic (neurodegeneration) injury. This lecture will examine some of the revolutionary new approaches being developed for brain […]

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