Category: Seminars

Looking after your brain – new approaches to an age-old problem.

How the brain works remains one of the great unknowns of modern medicine. This is even more of an issue when it comes to how the brain attempts to survive and recover from acute (stroke and trauma) and chronic (neurodegeneration) injury. This lecture will examine some of the revolutionary new approaches being developed for brain […]

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Climate Change: Catastrophic Impacts and Human Rights

The pair will deliver a joint presentation which addresses the impacts of climate change on global communities. Professor Brook will review the most recent scientific projections which suggest we are pushing the Earth towards dangerous and irreversible ‘tipping points’. Mr von Doussa will then explore how a human rights framework might be developed to cope […]

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WATER – there’s a hole in the bucket

“There’s a hole in the bucket dear Premier, dear Minister.”
“Then how shall we fix it, dear Scientist, dear Economist, then how shall we fix it?”

Posted in Environment, Seminars, The Environment Institute, Water | Tagged , , , , , |

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What use is research in international trade policy and economic development?

In his presentation on “What use is research on international trade policy and economic development?” Professor Pomfret will discuss the value of supporting research in these areas at an Australian university.

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Optical Fibers

Optical fibres: our future beyond telecommunications

In this lecture, Professor Tanya Monro will discuss the opportunities for Australia in emerging optical fibre-based technologies. The Centre of Expertise in Photonics is a joint venture between the Defence Science and Technology Organisation (DSTO) and the University of Adelaide, with support from the Government of South Australia. Before coming to Adelaide, Tanya Monro led […]

Posted in Institutes, IPAS, Photonic Sensing, Physics, Sciences, Seminars, Technology | Tagged , , , , , , |

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Watching evolution in action

Ancient DNA provides a unique means to observe evolution occurring in real time. By tracking genetic changes in ancient populations from around the world we can examine the effects of major climatic changes on animal and plant populations through time, and compare these to human impacts, as well as other evolutionary phenomena such as volcanic […]

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