GFS students presented at John Allwright Fellows Meeting

IMG_2665Global Food Studies PhD student Mr Suprehatin and Master of Global Food and Agricultural Business (MGFAB) student Mr Nguyen Anh Duc were participating at the 2015 ACIAR John Allwright Fellows Meeting in Canberra from Monday 23 to Friday 27 September 2015. Twenty-three JAF Fellows from 11 ACIAR partner countries across South East Asia (Indonesia, Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar and The Philippines), South Asia (India, Pakistan and Bangladesh), Papua New Guinea, Fiji and Ethiopia were participating at the Meeting. They are currently pursuing their PhD and Masters programs at different Australian universities.



Dr Nick Austin, Chief Executive Officer of ACIAR opened the Meeting. Participants were given opportunities to discuss with several ACIAR Research Program Managers and attend the Scientific Writing and Presentation Workshop. In the final part of the program, each of the JAF fellows was asked to give a 10 minute presentation about their research.


Nguyen Anh Duc (left) and Suprehatin (right) with Dr Rodd Dyer, ACIAR Research Program Manager, Agribusiness.

Mr Suprehatin presented his PhD research on “Adoption of horticulture crops in Indonesia: Determinants and impacts” as part of the ACIAR Project ADP/2005/066: “Markets for high-value commodities in Indonesia: Promoting competitiveness and inclusiveness”; while Mr Duc presented his work entitled “Value chain of off-season vegetable production in Sapa: Analysis of technical efficiency towards improving livelihood of H’mong people” as part of the ACIAR Project AGB 2012/059: “Towards more profitable and sustainable vegetable farming systems in north-western Vietnam”.

JAF Fellows

JAF fellows

Attending the JAF annual conference provided the opportunity for GFS students to develop their international networks and seek opportunities for future collaborative research with international partners. This JAF meeting also demonstrated ACIAR’s strategic role in strengthening partnerships in international agricultural research.

*This post were drafted by Mr Suprehatin and Mr Duc and edited by Risti Permani

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