Category: Research

WTO Special Safeguard Mechanism and Farmer Protection

Happy New Year and welcome to 2015! Our first blog post in 2015 is written by our researcher Dr Jayanthi Thennakoon who recently published an article at a leading journal Food Policy, co-authored with Professor Kym Anderson. Dr Thennakoon shares with us what their research is about.Congratulations Dr Thennakoon on your publication! The issue of […]

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Vanuatu cocoa growers tasting the fruit of their hard work

Talking about making a life impact, we are proud of the success of the ACIAR-funded PARDI cocoa project that is led by our researcher Professor Randy Stringer. The Australian covered a story about this on 23 November 2014 “Vanuatu cocoa growers target the fine chocolate market“. What the project has done is highly innovative. The […]

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Capacity building for research: Understanding dairy value chains in West Java

Global Food Studies (Associate Professor Wendy Umberger, Dr Risti Permani and PhD student Camilo Esparza Garcia) collaborating with Bogor Agricultural University under the leadership of Dr Arief Daryanto and Dr Sahara recently organised the second workshop “Capacity Building for Research: Promoting Inclusive Development of Agricultural Value Chains” between 27 and 30 October 2014. This event […]

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Food industry in Fiji

Global Food Studies researcher Craig Johns presented his work on “Food industry in Fiji” at GFS Discussion Series on 15 October 2014. His work was part of the ‘Pacific Agribusiness Research for Development Initiative’ funded by the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR). In addition to Craig Johns, three other Global Food Studies researchers […]

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Smallholder-inclusive business models in agriculture: What are they and their succces factors?

People seldom associate the term ‘business models’ with ‘smallholders’. However, ’smallholder-inclusive business models’ are in demand. With majority of agriculture sectors in developing countries are run by smallholders, a variety of strategies to better link them to markets could mean two big things: agricultural development and poverty reduction. Both would positively impact on food security. […]

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Capacity building for research: Promoting inclusive development of agricultural value chains

The Indonesian dairy industry is growing. Yet, challenges remain. Currently, Indonesia is only able to meet 30% of its domestic demand for dairy products which indicates an opportunity for the dairy industry to increase its production. Pre-farm growth-limiting constraints are evident. Issues with forage availability and quality, low animal reproductive performance, poor mastitis management and […]

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RAID: engage, connect and support agricultural researchers working in international development

Global Food Studies proudly supports any programs and networks that help promote food security including this new Australian-based network called RAID. Dr Di Mayberry explained what the network is about.   Are you an early-mid career researcher working in agriculture for international development? Maybe you’re interested in international ag and want to know how to […]

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Mapping sweet potato supply chains in PNG

Global Food Studies researcher Dr Suzie Newman presented her work at GFS seminar series on “Mapping sweet potato supply chains in Papua New Guinea”. The work was co-authored with Isidora Ramita, John Spriggs, Kylie Crampton, Guinevere Ortiz, Ronald Pam and Conrad Anton and was part of an ACIAR-funded project run between 2008 and 2011. The […]

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Assessing potential for developing the mother-of-pearl (MOP) handicraft sector in Fiji: Empowering womens groups and livelihood development in Fiji

Global Food Studies Research Associate Mr Theo Simos recently completed a project update on a PARDI project: PRA 2013:001 “Assessing potential for developing the mother of pearl (MOP) handicraft sector in Fiji” focussing on product design and development, workshop establishment and trainee capacity development. The Pacific Agribusiness Research for Development Initiative (PARDI) is a partnership […]

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Capacity building program on “Market integration for high value agriculture commodities: promoting competitiveness and inclusiveness in Indonesia”

Global Food Studies’ researchers Dr Dale Yi and Dr Risti Permani recently organised a planning workshop on 4-5 August 2014 in Adelaide. The planning workshop was held to prepare a capacity building program in early September in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia as part of two ACIAR-funded projects on “Supporting capacity building for research on improving […]

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