This blog post is about a new variation on the classic Quarter the Cross problem, which I call Quarter the Cross: Connect the Dots.


Here is the original Quarter the Cross problem:

To catch you up, here is everything I’ve written about Quarter the Cross up until now:

Even without reading those posts, you can probably infer that I really love Quarter the Cross. And you’d be right. I love how you have to think a bit hard to get any solution, but once you get started there is so much freedom to be creative.

But sometimes, you feel like you don’t want quite so much room for creativity. You want some more constraints so you don’t feel awash in the entire universe of possibilities, most of which you can’t even think of. Alternatively, you might enjoy the creativity but you are running a bit dry and need some more constraints to push you to try new things. Finally, Quarter the Cross might seem all a bit familiar to you, and you still want to play, but you need something to make it new. This new version of Quarter the Cross provides a solution to all of these problems.

A new constraint: connect the dots

Here is the new version of the puzzle, to use when you feel the need for an extra constraint.

(A downloadable Word document with this cross made of 3cm squares and the instructions is here.)

This Connect the Dots version is an easy way to turn the original Quarter the Cross into a new challenge. One bonus feature is that someone else can put the dots in for you, making it more of a surprise. If you would like a computer to choose for you, I made this Desmos graph. Note that you could choose a different number of dots than four (and the Desmos graph allows you to do so) but I find it’s about the right number to make the challenge easy to set up and not too annoying to do.

I personally very much enjoyed this challenge. It forced me to think in new ways, because I couldn’t just put the shapes I would normally use wherever I wanted. I had to do a lot more thinking about how pieces added up to a quarter because I had to stretch them out to meet each other. I also had to let go of an attachment to symmetry. (Though I now realise it could have been an extra extra challenge to make the solution symmetrical in some way as well as connect the dots!)

I’ll finish with some tweets with solutions to Quarter the Cross: Connect the Dots challenges. If you want to try the challenge yourself before seeing others’ solutions, please look away now! Either way, I hope you enjoy this variation on a classic.

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This blog post is about a metaphor I use when I think about the order of operations: the idea that the various operations are stickier than the others, holding the numbers around them together more or less strongly.

The idea begins with the fundamental idea in arithmetic, that maths working proceeds by replacing something with something else you know it’s equal to. When working on an expression involving numbers and operations, to proceed further, you need to find a piece of the expression you can replace. The order of operations describes the rules for when you are allowed to replace right now a part of an expression involving numbers and an operation. (I usually draw the order of operations using the Operation Tower.)

For example, look at the following expression:

6 ÷ 3 + 7 – 2 – 5 + 8 × 2³ + 6 × (8+2)

There are several pieces of this you can replace with their result safely without breaking the rules of the order of operations. You can replace the 6 ÷ 3 with 2, or the 7 – 2 with 5, or the 2³ with 8, or the 8+2 with 10.

6 ÷ 3 + 7 – 2 – 5 + 8 × 2³ + 6 × (8+2)
2 + 7 – 2 – 5 + 8 × 2³ + 6 × (8+2)

6 ÷ 3 + 7 – 2 – 5 + 8 × 2³ + 6 × (8+2)
= 6 ÷ 3+ 5 – 5 + 8 × 2³ + 6 × (8+2)

6 ÷ 3 + 7 – 2 – 5 + 8 × + 6 × (8+2)
= 6 ÷ 3 + 7 – 2 – 5 + 8 × 8 + 6 × (8+2)

6 ÷ 3 + 7 – 2 – 5 + 8 × 2³ + 6 × (8+2)
= 6 ÷ 3 + 7 – 2 – 5 + 8 × 2³ + 6 × 10

When people describe the order of operations, we usually talk about it saying which operations can be done first, saying that some operations should be done earlier than others, and you do them left to right if there’s no preference, and brackets override the order. That’s how I usually describe it.

But this doesn’t quite match with what I describe above. For a start, it’s actually correct to do the subtraction before the power even though the division is supposed to be done earlier than subtraction. I usually tell students that the order of operations just tells you which operations go before others when they’re nearby to each other. So that subtraction is too far away from the power to really make a difference if I do it first or second.

But then there’s weird problem with subtractions near to additions and each other. I can’t replace the 2 – 5 in the above expression because that would stuff up the 7 – 2. But there is nothing in my description of “nearby” that would tell you there is this preference. You have to fall back on the “left to right” idea from the traditional order of operations again.

For some reason I really don’t like this. The left-to-right idea seems completely against all the effort we take to teach students to be flexible with their arithmetic, where we encourage them to pull numbers apart and put them together in new ways to make the arithmetic easier to do and to understand. Plus it’s not how I actually do it. When I read an expression, I scan across the whole thing first, and then I pick a spot to work on that feels right to me, deciding that it’s ok to work on that bit because it doesn’t cause problems with the things around it. I make my decision of which operation to do locally, not globally.

And there is one final thing: when we port all of this order of operations stuff up to algebra, we start to think about terms, which are pieces of expressions joined together with multiplication and exponents. We learn to see those things as one blob, separated by the minus and plus signs.

So I reckon that the order of operations in my head is actually not about which operation should be done first, but which operations do a better job of sticking numbers together

In the above expression, the smaller expression 6 ÷ 3 is stuck together more strongly than the expression 3 + 7. It’s safe to pull out the 6 ÷ 3 and replace it with a 2, but not safe to pull out the 3+7. So  ÷  is stickier than +. I imagine pulling at the 3+7 to try to replace it with a 10, but the 3 breaks off when I do that because the  “6 ÷” is stuck more strongly than the + 7.

Also, in the above expression, I notice that I think it’s safe to pull out the 7 – 2 to replace it, but it’s not safe to pull out the 2 – 5. It must be that – is stickier on its right-hand side than it is on its left-hand side. If I see a ” – 2 -” then I know the whatever number is before the 2 is stuck more strongly to the 2 than whatever number is after the 2.

So it seems that the operations have different levels of stickiness, and the ones that aren’t commutative stick stronger to one side than the other.

But there is one thing left to think about: grouping symbols like brackets and the horizontal bar. They’re not operations, but they do play a part in holding expressions together. Indeed, for brackets holding things together is their entire purpose. In fact, the stuff between the brackets, or under the bar in a square root, all that stuff is wrapped up together into one number and can be treated as one number for the purposes of moving stuff around in algebra. So maybe the grouping symbols work more like a box you put things into, with operations outside stuck to the box itself rather than to the stuff inside it.

This box idea is actually quite useful, because it helps me to sort out problems with how I think about the distributive law. A lot of students will see something like 3(x+2)²  and try to do (3x+6)² . What they did there was replace 3(x+2) with 3x+6. But the brackets are holding the x+2 in a box, so that it might as well be 3B². In that case, the exponent sticks to the box much more strongly than the 3, so you can’t pull out the 3B to replace it with something else, though you can pull out the B² to replace it with something else.

So those are my fairly rambling thoughts that explain why I rather like this way of describing the order of operations. I’ve used the stickiness metaphor before, but not until now have I thought about it as deeply as this, and I actually like it even more than I used to, now that I’ve connected it to replacing.

So, to sum up, here’s how I think about the metaphor:

  • To do maths working, you pull out an expression to replace it with something it’s equal to.
  • Operations are glue that stick numbers together, preventing you from pulling them out if they’re stuck too well.
  • Some operations are stickier than others: × and ÷ are stickier than + and -; ^ and √ are sticker than × and ÷.
  • Some operations are stickier on one side than the other: – and ÷ are stickier on their right-hand side.
  • If you see …number[operation]number…, you can only pull that expression out to replace it if the operations on the other sides of the numbers equal or less sticky than the one between.
  • Grouping symbols are boxes that hold expressions inside them.
  • You can always replace the stuff inside a box without affecting the stuff outside the box.

And so in my head, the Operations Tower has become a Tower of Stickiness:

PS: I had this thought that I need to add here, lest I forget it. I reckon that it would be much easier to help people understand the idea of an order of operations that allows for flexibility if you did just addition and subtraction first, without any other operations. Knowing that 7+5 – 3 – 2 has a few choices for how it can be done would be a great advantage before you introduce multiplication and division into the mix. Plus, a string of additions and subtractions could easily represent a story of adding and taking and so your learners would know what the correct answer is supposed to be! Anyway, that’s a thought to wrestle with another day.

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I have had many people say to me over the years, “But algebra is easy: just tell them to do the same thing to both sides!” This is wrong in several ways, not least of which is the word “easy”. The particular way it’s wrong that I want to talk about today is the idea that doing the same thing to both sides is somehow the only move in algebra, because it’s not even the most important or the most common move.

I think the most important and most common move in algebra is this:

Replace something with something else you know it’s equal to.

This rule isn’t even an algebra rule, it’s a rule you’ve used in plain arithmetic. Look at this working:

= 7×5-6
= 35-6
= 29

All of those steps were replacing something with something else I know it’s equal to. First, I replaced the (4+3) with 7, and then I replaced 7×5 with 35. Finally I replaced 35-6 with 29. The reason I was able to write the “=” signs there was because I knew each expression was produced by replacing something with another thing it’s equal to. Of course they are the same. If you have ever written your working in the way I did there, then you were using the replacement move.

Indeed, this move is the heart of how mathematicians write calculations. We always move from one step to another by replacing something with something it’s equal to. Knowing that this is what we do, we read other people’s working by comparing each expression in a chain to the next to see what it is that has been replaced.

It’s interesting that nobody has ever told me explicitly that this is how to read maths working that’s written with a chain of equal signs. I just somehow figured it out. I am sure quite a few of my students don’t actually know this strategy.

This idea that anything can be replaced with something it’s equal to is for me the major thrust of all the algebra laws and identities.

For example, the distributive law―a(b+c) = ab+ac―doesn’t tell me how to “expand brackets”. Instead it tells me any time I see a(b+c), I’m allowed to replace it with ab+ac, and every time I see ab+ac, I’m allowed to replace it with a(b+c). The same goes for all the algebra laws, even though some of them seem very complicated.

For me, completing the square illustrates this very well. For example:

3x² + 24x + 7
= 3(x² + 8x) + 7
= 3(x² + 8x + 16 – 16) + 7
= 3((x+4)² -16) + 7
= 3(x+4)²- 48 + 7
= 3(x+4)² – 41

The first move was to replace 3x² + 24x with 3(x² + 8x) by the distributive law.
Then I replaced 0 with +16-16.
Then I replaced x² + 8x + 16 with (x+4)².
Then I replaced 3((x+4)² -16) with 3(x+4)² – 48.
Then I replaced -48 + 7 with -41.

The second pair of moves are usually extremely surprising to students, and even I have to stop and look closely when I read already-written-down completing the square working. But they make sense when I compare the line of working to the one above and see which parts are the same, so that I can deduce that the parts that change must have been replaced because they are equal.

Incidentally, this is why I am such a stickler for keeping things lined up when you do maths working if you can. Changing the order makes it hard to deduce what’s been replaced from one line to the next. Of course, you can change orders, but I prefer to do that as its own move so you can see when it happened.

Finally, the replacing move is actually used when solving equations too, even though it’s usually hidden. Look at this working that I did in a chemistry lab with a student once.

ρ = m/V
ρ × V = m/V × V
ρ × V = m

The move from line 1 to line 2 was multiplying both parts of the equation by V, but the move from line 2 to line 3 was replacing m/V × V with m because you know they are equal.

The student who I did this with was ok with the multiplying both parts by the same thing, but they were not ok with the replacing. They complained that I hadn’t done the same thing to both sides. And this was when I realised that there was another move in algebra and it’s much more fundamental than doing the same thing to both parts of an equation. And we need to tell students explicitly about the existence of this move.

So there you have it. Algebra is not all about doing the same thing to both sides, it’s very very often about replacing something with something else it’s equal to. Keep an eye out for it next time you read or do any maths working, and maybe explicitly remind your students every so often when it happens.

Actually just a bit of an epilogue: the replacing move is really rather fun to do “in reverse” as it were. Usually we do it in arithmetic by replacing an expression with a single number, but there’s nothing stopping you replacing a single number with an expression and so finding some rather complicated expressions for familiar numbers. This first one is based on the fact that if 1 = 2-1, then any 1 can be replaced with 2-1 at any time. (If you click on the tweet you can see me replacing 1 to 9.)

May you enjoy your replacing too.

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NUMBER NEIGHBOURHOODS: A game of analytic deduction

This game is for two players, or two teams.

Setting up:

Each player/team choose six different numbers between 0 and 10 (not including 0 […]

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Quarter the Cross is one of my favourite activities of all time, whether in maths or just life. I learned about it way back in 2015 and have been mildly or very obsessed with it ever since. You can read about my obsession in my first Quarter the Cross blog post, and you can read […]

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